This semester marks one of my best academically. My midterm grades impressed me and I am proud to be where I am. So proud, that I desperately want to continue that trend. Unfortunately, there is so much to do and so little time to do it. I am already beginning to work on my final projects…ahh.
As you may have seen in my spring break video, last Saturday Andy and I finally went to the Walker Sculpture Garden. We had been meaning to go since last summer when he still had a (functioning) car in the Cities. It worked out that we were both free, though, so we braved the cold and made our way over there, relying on buses the best we could and walking the rest.
After taking the typical photos with the Spoonbridge and Cherry sculpture and generally wandering about, Andy suggested we go to a place called Uncommon Grounds for "the best chai." The chai was very good indeed. My only regret was not getting a larger glass.
Spring break felt other worldly. Everything about it made me really happy, though. Since spring break, there have been assignments due non-stop and busy work to finish every day. Not to mention other events out the wahoo. Seriously, there were so many events this past Friday alone that I ended up not going to any…
Yesterday I saw senators Al Franken and Elizabeth Warren speak on campus. They stressed the importance of young voters actually coming out to the polls. Their speeches made me excited for the possibilities of the future if we all become more active in politics.
In other news:
- I broke down and got Spotify Premium today because they're doing a half-price student discount.
- In an hour's time, I will be calling to congratulate admitted students. Has it really been two years since it was me on the other end of the line?
- I'll be seeing Dan Croll in concert soon. He and his family are criminally adorable.
- My study abroad proposal was approved! I just have to finish my application for the actual university. And figure out my visa. And have pre-departure orientation. (In essence, this is just the beginning.)
- The Grand Budapest Hotel was great. Full review coming Friday.
Stay cool, everybody.