I kind of want to do something new and exciting with my hair, but I have mild difficulty finding the time for it. The couple of next Saturdays are already booked with stuff. Not even necessarily things I want to do, but I said I would so that's that. Maybe I'll grow it out until it reaches my waist. I know this girl in my art class who did that. How about I'll donate it to locks of love? What a plan. Plans usually fall threw with me, though. Disheartening fact, really. So! Maybe I should dye it blue. I'd surely stand out, that's for sure. Would mother approve? Highly doubtful. That's okay, I don't really want it blue anyway. Just a thought.
What is going on? It's 6:13 and my eyes are already drooping. I think it might have something to with crying about ten times today. For reasons far past disclosure. Well, some. Others are so silly I'd waste my [and your] time talking [reading] about it.
I, by no means, want to go to school tomorrow. Then again, I, by no means, don't want to end up swimming in make-up work and jeopardizing my grades. Sounds like a lose, lose situation to me. Oh boy, I can't believe I haven't told you guys -- Puja and I dissected a sheep heart in Biology this past Friday. Gross to a point, but if you just manned up, everything was dandy. [Correction: I shouldn't use the word "manned" since these guy lab partners beside us nearly shrieked doing it. It was, kinda funny. ha.] We have a test this upcoming Wednesday for that class. Joy.
I believe my family is calling me to eat dinner real soon. Adios.