October 09, 2011


My life is wholesomely good. I like that there aren't any artificial sweeteners stirred in, even though that means dealing with the bitterness left behind. And so I pucker up my lips and let the tears streak down. Down until my sob becomes a cataclysm of emotion I cannot reconcile. I go to the bathroom to splash water on my face yet it makes no difference. Nothing can wake me from this daze.
Thoughts have been consuming me lately and I've become entangled in my own head. I want to express myself -- probably more so than I have in forever -- but I also want to selfishly revel in my revelations. I can't spend a whole lunch around my friends anymore. I was found, but now I'm lost.

These past few weeks have been extraordinarily busy and I haven't had time to complete everything on my to-do list. Especially writing letters to Natalie, Amy and Maggie. Believe me, I feel like a terrible person. I'm a constant whirlwind of worry, preoccupied with what I haven't done. School work has reached an all time high and I've just about had enough.

And now I am way too tired to write...

P.S. Tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday. Send me things or don't send me things. Either way is fine.


  1. Is tomorrow really already October 10th? Writing you a birthday letter was on my list of things to do eventually... but seriously, how is it already October 10th? Geez. Life is just so busy for all of us right now. I miss the summer so much. But I suppose it can't last forever, unfortunately. JUST A FEW MORE MONTHS UNTIL WE CAN SEMI-RELAX AGAIN.

    I hope your seventeenth birthday is amazing, my dear.

  2. Happy birthday! I'm sending you a virtual present. Here it is: a pair of gloves. Brown, with red and yellow stripes on the fingers. Very cozy. Good for fall.

    It's nice to see you blog again :)

    I wasn't sure if you remembered my name--although I assume you did, since you accepted my friend request--but I added you on Facebook :) So, there's that.

    Revelation is always a good thing.

  3. Happy Birthday. Choose happiness tomorrow. You deserve it.

  4. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY?! Jeez I'm so behind!

    I miss having free time, but school is school, and we're all overachievers.

    I hope you can relax a little today.

  5. happy birthday lizzie!!
    oh my goodness, you are so awesome. and you can do it all.
    hope you have a wonderful birthday.
    i miss you!

  6. happy birthday : )
    i am such a bad letter/package sender right now too. i think nicola has been waiting for a package from me for at least 4 months now...aha. it's never been this bad! i'v seriously been so busy.
    but i hope you take some "me time" on your birthday!

  7. Happy birthday! I hope that it is as wonderful as you are.

    And don't even worry about what you haven't done! You're getting your school work done and doing awesome (which is more than I can say for myself), and you'll get to the other things eventually. I have had letters and packages to send to everyone since the beginning of September that are still sitting on my desk, so you're doing okay.

  8. Hey! Happy Birthday!

    And chin up. It can take some extra effort to see the stars in the sky when you're in the middle of the city, but it's worth it. It's always worth it.

  9. Happy birthday, hope you have a awesome day.
