October 15, 2010

Sweetawesome 16.

My 16th birthday was on 10.10.10.
What an honor.
My birthday and its related festivities this past weekend served to remind me that my life is meaningful and that I have friends who love and care about me dearly.
I didn't do much on my actual birthday besides relax and respond to birthday wishes on Facebook, which was perfectly fine with me.
No stress (albeit temporary) is good, y'know?
Saturday, though, I saw The Social Network with good friends and then shopped with my mom.
Life is great.
I swear, outlook is everything.


  1. I still kinda need to see The Social Network.

    That's fantastic to hear that everything is going rather awesomely.

    And again, happy birthday.

  2. My dad turned 50 on 09/09/09...


  3. O The Social Network seems good, it's on my 'gotta watch this' list :)

    & Happy birthday off course!
    Enjoy being 16, it's awesome :D

  4. happy belated birthday!
    it's cool that it happened to fall on 10/10/10.
    i have yet to see the Social Network, but i really really want to see it.
    glad to hear life's been swell.

  5. What an awesome time! All the best.

    I really loved the Social Network.

  6. First of all, Happy Birthday! (belated)
    Its so cool that your birthday fell on that day. Its supposed to be considered lucky or something...(I read that somewhere!)
    Also, I NEED to see the Social Netwok like right now.
    I spend my life on facebook. It would be awesome seeing a movie about it. :)
    Anyway, Hola, Im Sam. <3

  7. Happy belated birthday! Talk about having it fall on a rare and potentially lucky day :)

  8. I think after a birthday, your outlook changes everything. I'm freshly 18 and my life is perfect.

    I didn't ilke The Social Network. Am I a bad person?


  9. i've been creeping on your blog for a while. hope you don't mind.

    Jesse Eisenberg is a cutie, I must say. He played an unexpected part in the Social Network. I guess it's good to switch characters (coughmichaelcera) occasionally.
