April 30, 2012

A Blogger Family Q&A.

To commemorate my last day of BEDA 2012, I figured I would jump on the bandwagon and answer questions asked by my lovely Blogger Family.  (You know who you are.)

If you could only pick one book to recommend to the world, what would it be and why?
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli because it really spoke to me upon multiple readings.  I was able to glean something new from it each subsequent time I red it. I felt like the characters were honest and the themes universal without being considered great literature.

What one thing makes you smile the most?
Definitely my friends.

What quality is required in a friend?

What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?
Becoming Jane.

What food are you a boss at making? ex: pancakes, guac, cupcakes, etc.
Uh, I'm not sure.  Cupcakes, I suppose.

N*Sync or The Backstreet Boys?
I feel like this question is really asking Justin Timberlake or Nick Carter.  In which case, I choose Justin Timberlake.  I have no rationale for picking it; I might as well have flipped a coin.

What is your favorite book and why?
[This is kind of a repeat question, but:] Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli because it really spoke to me upon multiple readings.  I was able to glean something new from it each subsequent time I red it. I felt like the characters were honest and the themes universal without being considered great literature.

Do you believe in life after death?
Yes, I do.

What fiction character(s) do you identify with the most?
As in what type?  The bossier, strong females, for sure.

If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be?
I think is pretty obvious, but a panda.  THEY'RE ADORABLE.

Describe your dream life.
Living in Scotland surrounded by goats with a beautiful lover and passionate art.

If you could take only one book, one movie, and one album (including mixes) with you to a deserted island which of each would you take?
Paper Towns by John Green, Breach, and Coldplay's X&Y.  (Granted I didn't think about this long.  The hazard with doing this late at night.)

If you backpacked across Europe, where would you start and end?
I think a round trip from and back to Edinburgh, Scotland would be grand.

What's your main goal in life?
To be inspired and inspire others.

What's your favorite song?
Maybe I'm Just Tired by As Tall As Lions.  (A shame they broke up.)

What superpower would you want and why?
Mind reading because my friends seem to already have it and I just want to be cool like them.

If you could alter any moment in your life, which would you?
Being born.  JUST KIDDING.  No, in all seriousness, I've lived too young, too innocent a life to regret much.  If I had to, I would probably not tell certain guys I liked them, yet that seems so trivial and I am happy the way things turned out in the end.

Have you ever seen a ghost or had any supernatural experience?
I've never seen a ghost, though I am deathly afraid of the dark, so I'm not exactly hunting them down.


I may not write for a while.  Try not to miss me too much as I plow through the remaining three weeks of my senior year.  Oh, and those ridiculous exams.  Swell

So thanks, everyone, for reading this whole month.  I truly appreciate it; you helped keep me going for thirty days straight.

Talk to you when I can, friends.

Days until I graduate: 20
Days until exams are over: 48
Days until I start college: 125


  1. "Living in Scotland surrounded by goats with a beautiful lover and passionate art."

    Dude. That's one nice dream life! I love that we both mentioned something about art in our dream lives! :)

    I have 24 days left until graduation! Wooo!

  2. Lizzi beat me to it but: "Describe your dream life.
    Living in Scotland surrounded by goats with a beautiful lover and passionate art. "


  3. Yeah, not telling this one guy I liked him over IM in 8th grade would probably be one trivial thing I'd take back... haha. But really nothing big enough to truly regret.

    Good luck with exams!

  4. Ah! I'd love to be able to do my drives through Scotland and see a little house somewhere with goats rather than all the endless sheeps - even though they are cute! Such an amazing dream!
