April 21, 2013

Long time, no blog.

My spring semester is quickly spiraling to a close.  I've clearly been too busy to blog.  I'm definitely stuck on the typical homework, eat, class, work, homework, sleep, homework cycle and look forward to the summer when I can stop neglecting my cherished hobbies.

By the way, I will be staying in St. Paul this summer.  I'll be working at my current job at the college's Career Development Center.  I hope I can also secure an internship or a nearby nanny position.  Regrettably, it's hard to stay motivated when I keep learning jobs have been filled, especially other on-campus opportunities, which would have been super convenient. 

Room draw is finally over and tomorrow I will sort out summer housing.  The plan is to live in a split double with Morgan, meaning we would both get a single room and then share a common room.  Sounds perfect to me.

I also need to sort out the classes I want to take and perhaps even declare my English and Media and Cultural Studies majors.  Furthermore, study abroad in Scotland is going to happen, it's just a matter of exactly how and when.  Decisions, decisions.

In other news, Nicole and I started a collaborate blog called FLAK.  Check it out!  Our post about Record Day will be posted very soon.


  1. I know the feeling of being super busy. Summer can't come soon enough!

    Job hunting is crazy. I'm on the hunt for a second job right now, and it's really hard finding open positions, and online applications make everything so impersonal.

  2. It's crazy that this semester is almost over. So much busy! But it sounds like you're in for a good summer. Finding a job is definitely in order for me, too.

  3. I've had good luck with job hunting lately, so I'll send both you & Amy some luck! Also, yes, THANK GOD the semester is almost over! I graduate in 13 days and I would be lying if I told you I wasn't counting down the hours. Awesome ring.

  4. Love that photo of you. :)
    You are brilliant. And I miss you ever so much.
