May 14, 2013

An ode to the quad.

Emily, Sana and Zoe.

I can see the end, my friends.

We are packing up and shipping out.  
Two are gone now
 of our original four
and I'll be the last one standing.

Emily, the vivacious cat-loving ginger,
often perched from her bed.
She would snicker about an episode of 
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
and make faces at me, all the time.

Zoe, the dinosaur connoisseur, 
and future geologist.
She would go hiking with Ariana
and let us know when all 
the campus events were happening.

Sana, the phantom fourth,
would Skype from 11 to 2 am.
She would be off doing something
for LOC, PPL, or studying chem,
living up to her favorite animal: the owl.

We've shared laughs 
and outrageous moments.
Named honorary roommates
and fed them all.
(Usually popcorn, or goldfish.)

We've told Dan to "get out,"
watched movies with Abby and Erin,
and heard just about everyone say,
"wow, this room is SO big."
(Yes, we know.)

The room, though large, was cosy.
We all decorated our respective sections.
We even had the "roommate wall,"
where our bus passes, movie tickets, etc.
converged onto one canvas of white.
(Now it's blank again. Depressing.)

This year has brought some lows,
but also some highs.
(No, not of that variety.)

Is it everything I dreamed?
No, probably not.
But considering I wasn't sure what to expect from a "quad"
I loved it and will miss it an awful lot.
My idealist sensibilities were pleased
with this amazing reality.

I couldn't have asked to spend it with better people.
These are lifelong friends,
and maybe we'll even get a house together.

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