June 23, 2013

Now you see me.

Since I last posted, life has treated me well.  Or at least I've refused to let it beat me down.  

The heat here is stifling.  Add that to storms we had last week and I might think I was home.  Except my room was virtually an ice box and I guess I never appreciated that until now.  My fans are on full blast and I still can't sleep comfortably.

On Friday, Emily and I walked to a local ice cream parlor.  I indulged in salted caramel with an m&m izzy (an izzy is the miniature scoop on top. Oh, and I was a "tester" for their new waffle bowl.  I approve).  We got to catch up and as we were departing, made loose plans to attend Pride together next weekend.  That should be fun.  Reminds me I should finally post a video/proper write up about The Electric Run I volunteered at in May.

On another note, my eyes are pretty sore after watching several movies this weekend.  But trust me, it was worth it.  I finally saw the classic Trainspotting, which makes me both excited and terrified to see Trance.  Falling under the Other Movies I Saw That Made Me Cry category are: Sicko, Freedom Writers, and One Day.

In theaters today I saw Now You See Me.  I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but it is certainly no Prestige.  Also, I was surprised how ~old~ Morgan Freeman looked.  I suppose even he is not immune to aging.

After the movie, I went to Target for some essentials and then some skin care/beauty items.  I am trying to do a better job of moisturizing, cleansing, and everything else you're told to do.  Well, for the most part I've ignored that.  Check out this pretty blue nail polish I found.  How appropriate.

In late breaking news, I started playing Tiny Tower again. I'm just going to leave it at that.

I hope everyone has a stellar week.


  1. I always go through this phase of "I'm gonna drink more water and wash my face twice a day and put on moisturizer" but to be honest, I wake up, put on deodorant, brush my teeth, and rush out the door for work. I even bought a Clarisonic Mia with hopes of it being motivational in the "take care of your shit" department. It has been, kind of. Good luck to you, friend! And also, killer nail color. If I could pull anything off besides red, I would!

  2. I'm glad you've been able to survive the heat with a few ice cream runs thrown in there.

    Oh, One Day. Did you read the book? It was so very upsetting.

    I really like that color! And yeah, I'm fairly terrible at keeping good care of my skin, but it would certainly be nice to get into a routine!

  3. Hi Lizzie!

    The weather here in England has been uncharacteristically lovely too... 27 degrees celsius every day with sunny skies!!! It's pretty crazy. Salted caramel ice cream sounds pretty perfect right now!

    Ahh, One Day is definitely one of my favourite books - I loved the film too. So heartfelt and such a lovely story. Sicko is a great film too, Michael Moore is incredible! Also, that nail polish colour is perfect for summer... Such a coincidence with the name of the colour too :-)

    By the way, I changed my blog URL recently so just in case you weren't able to access it, my blog is now at: www.chloe-tam.blogspot.com
    I would recommend refollowing it to ensure that my new posts come up on your dashboard!

    Hope you're well! :-)

    Chloe xxx

  4. The heat where I am is getting pretty unbearable too, especially because it often rains early in the morning and leaves the whole day a humid, icky mess. Bleh.
    I've heard really great things about the movie "Now You See Me", but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to actually see it. :( Anything with Morgan Freeman usually winds up entertaining.
    Also, to answer your question, I'd love to see a playlist if you're forming one! I've transitioned from settling for things I'd hear on the radio in my car to really collecting genuine finds, and I always like seeing other people's "collections". :)
    Hope your summer is going well!
