Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question with a question of your own. Tag eight other people.
What is your current obsession? Photography.
When is the last time you've written a postcard or hand written letter? A day or two ago to my friend Kai. I still need to mail it, though.
What's for dinner? Papa Johns' pizza.
What would you eat for your last meal? Fajitas, because I could sing my song about them and perhaps put others at ease, prolong the moment, and forget it's my last.
What's the last thing you bought? A ticket to see a 11:10 AM showing of Star Trek. It was the final day it would show in theaters. Can you believe a matinee costs $6.75 a pop? Cheapskates.
What are you listening to right now? My two brothers and mom try to order pizzas online and asking what I want for toppings. That and my computer whirring, pressed keys clacking.
What do you think of the person who tagged you? She's really neat, takes great photos and is a good writer as well as a funny and thoughtful person with an awesome idea for a group blog.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Near places with breaktaking beauty.
Which language do you want to learn? Spanish and German. Wait, language as in singular? How about Spanman? Ha, get it? Okay, I'm lame, I know.
What's your favourite quote (for now)? "Are you out of your Vulcan Mind."--Star Trek.
What is your favourite colour? Green.
What is your dream job? Free-lance artist and photographer that gets to see the world. Perhaps work for National Geographic or something simialar. Nothing I hate.
Describe your personal style: Hmm?
What is your favourite tree? Pine.
What are you going to do after this? Eat, clean and play video games with my brother.
What is your favourite fruit? Strawberry.
What inspires you? My friends, music, art of almost any kid, landmarks, books and hope.
Your favourite books? Dicey's Song, The Truth About Forever, The Hunger Games, To Kill a Mockingbird, Stargirl, Ender's Game, Impulse, Coraline, The Mortal Instruments trilogy, Pendragon Series.
What are you currently reading? Magyk.
What song would you like played at your funeral? Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
What delighted you the most today? Watching Star Trek.
By what criteria do you judge a person? Whether they have manners, a sense of humor, and just are a decent being.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? A rainforest in South America. Any of 'em will do.
Are you artistic or crafty? How does your passion show up in your life?I think I am, certainly more so than the majority of my family members. I take an art class at school, draw and color, make my own postcards, and take pictures and edit them.
With which historical figure do you most identify and why? Queen Elizabeth. Powerful, intelligent and female.
If you were to enter into a talent contest, what would your talent be Color with both hands at the same time.
My question:When is the last time you've written a postcard or hand written letter? A day or two ago to my friend Kai. I still need to mail it, though.
I'm going to tag any eight who follow my blog. There's no rush.