November 17, 2009

Fortune cookies.

Today was better than I imagined it to be as I rolled out of bed. Little did I know I'd have a nicer dental hygienist to clean my teeth during my appointment or receive an 80 on my latest math quiz. Yesterday was good because we had our final regular season match for Academic Team. We only got third, but we were the district champions overall!

Oh, and Sunday night I made this for Aniesa:
It's meant to look like a cake which I joked I'd bake for her. Instead, I covered a Glad container fillied with yummy Pillsbury cookies with white tissue paper and voila! Her birthday was today but she decided to skip school and do something more fun. Can't say I blame her.

Here's a picture of my brother's drawing that I had FINALLY finished. My school practically dominated the various art shows this past weekend. We had two firsts, a third, a best of show and a second. Unfortunately, I didn't win anything. I am getting to show it to the people in the community though.
I didn't angle the picture well enough to eliminate the glare. Live and learn, live and learn.

I'm starting to wonder what's supposed to be happening with the writing club I'm in. We, as in the members, haven't had a meeting the past two weeks and I thought we were supposed to be publishing the web site full of Halloween stories very soon. Hmm.


  1. thats such a great drawing! ugh, i suck at sketching people =(

  2. great job on everything! especially with your drawing, you did really well with the hair and the folds in the clothing! i always have trouble with those. (:

  3. Our school still has this ridiculous mentality about not declaring any one person a we typically dont have any major contests or awards, just large projects that everyone can get in on, regardless of skill...
