November 05, 2009


I love meeting new people. There's something so liberating and exhilarating about the experience. I say that especially because I went to book club earlier with Puja. This meeting was with several students from high schools all over the school district instead of just the few out of our one high school body. As in, there are two types. The small one confined to one school and the bigger one that engulfs many.

Anyway, I tried to brush off the disappointment that Aniesa didn't come. We didn't even have a way to contact her. Oh, if only cell phone batteries never lost charge.

Fortunately, the turnout was tremendous and so we discussed the book, Suck It Up by Brian Meehel. We unanimously decided it wasn't that great as vampire books go and then we got on to talking about how Twilight has given rebirth to an otherwise ignored and overlooked genre. We also had to agree that this Twilight monopoly is obnoxious. I personally expect an influx in intensity again with the New Moon release.

After we had nothing insightful left to say about Suck It Up, we went around the table recommending books. This girl, Laura, mentioned The Five People You Meet In Heaven and I'm going to have to read it soon, not until I'm done with Fablehaven, that is. I think my main readers have talked about the former in some entr of yours.

Academic Team has been going well. We are first overall in the standings at the moment. We hope to maintain it for two more matches and then, if we do well, it's off to districts we go! The writing club I am involved in is going well, too.

I am anxiously wanting to know what I got on my math test!


  1. Book clubs<3 I want to join one. I always see ones schedule at B&N and Border's but I'm too scared to go. I'm akward.

    I am a Twilight fan but I read them early on before the it erupted into the hysteria we know today. I don't think it's the highest quality written series but it had a high action storyline and Meyer's did have strong developed characters with rich histories. I hate all the vampire spin offs. I saw a Volvo commercial yesterday "What drives Edward?" ewww.

    I'm glad the rocket launched! I'm glad academic team is going well. I'm glad I know you!

  2. You should THIS year! There's still time!

  3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is amazing. I really love it. And if you like this book, then I recommend reading Tuesdays with Morrie by the same author.

    Lovely photo. What are you holding? At first I thought it was a cool balloon, but it can't be a balloon.

  4. Noooooooooooooes!!!

    Haha, by this point, you'd have to do some serious writing to catch up. Oh wells, right? Heh, indeed.

  5. Yes, I suppose that is a good reaction.

    Thanks! I need it. I have to write 4,000 words today to catch up!
