December 24, 2009

Happy holidays.

I finished reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. What an interesting book! I highly suggest you check it out and give it a read. And then, after wards, you can comment me and we can discuss it. Or something like that. I think it's one of those stories that will seriously stick with you. I wasn't especially moved, however, perhaps because the protagonist was male and old, the exact opposite from me.

However, I am now reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. This, you would know, if you've been bothering to take glimpses at the "As of Late" text off to the right-hand side of the page. I've been good about updating it, even when I'm unable to write a proper entry. Anyway, the book's protagonist is most definitely identifiable in my eyes -- young and female. I heard of the book like most have recently: the hype surrounding its transformation into a motion picture. If I've got my facts straight, the movie releases in the coming month.

Here are a few random photos I've been meaning to post. They're mainly of my latest fascination: the sky. It makes me sad all the years I've gone living without truly appreciating it. I thought these were wicked cool formations.

These next two were taken with my lovely phone's 3.3 megapixel camera. They're, surprisingly, not too bad in quality.
Now I must be off to get serious work done on my latest drawing.


  1. Oh I love those photos. Taking pictures of the sky is so much fun.

    I really want to see Lovely Bones.

  2. Ace photographs! Truly wonderful. I get lost in the sky sometimes. When you take a moment to step back and just look it's hard to believe you have gone so many days without ever looking up.

    I will have to check out that book. When things get over exposed it sometimes makes me lose my interest but I guess the reason things become so popular is because they are good (not always though. definitely not always.)

    I am so excited for TLB film. The cast is superb. I love Mark Wahlberg and Peter Jackson is directing so it's going to be good!

  3. I love the last two pictures.


    Haha, the sad thing is, I didn't even ask for it, and I would've been just as happy without it. But as it is, I feel very mainstream, which is not necessarily a bad thing in this case :)
    The sad thing is, I knew what you were talking about before I read the second comment.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No one should feel 'blah' at Christmas! Here's a gift to cheer you up:

    Oh nooooooooooooes, you got a lot of CALENDARS?? My friend, I pity you. I mean, if you, like, collect them, I could see that, but as it is I feel bad for you :( I hope my gift was a little better. Oh well. If you like them.
    Haha, Scotland and pandas.

  4. Merry Christmas!!
    Ah, incredible photographs!

    Have you checked out Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie? It's an amazing memoir.
