October 27, 2010

The roof, the roof. The roof is on fire.

Yesterday, as celebration for getting a perfect score on state standardized writing test, I went with fellow classmates (who achieved the same) to a Japanese steak house for lunch. Better yet, it was on the principal's dime. What an awesome experience! A man came out and used the hibachi grill and everything. If this sounds vaguely familiar, it is because I mentioned the prospect of being awarded with lunch during a vlog back in June.
They had amazing art there! I wish I could've gone around and taken more pictures of it, but that would've been borderline strange. Besides, then I would've missed the great debate over the symbolism represented in this particular piece. I remember hearing something about sky swans?
This is was delicious looks like. I had already begun to chow down on my fried rice before I took this picture and was eager to try the chicken. We were also served a side soup, a small salad with ginger dressing, and some cooked vegetables -- so yummy.

Well, I want to write more but I'm sick and thus sleep trumps blogging.


October 23, 2010

Rainbow barfing pandas.

This past week was spirit week at school, which means if I felt like spending $25 to dance badly to songs I only vaguely know and watching guys and girls practically exchange STDs while participating in a grind train, I would be at homecoming right now. Alas, I figured going to dinner at Olive Garden with friends (all of whom were to attend homecoming later this evening, but that's beside the point) would be better. I wore a pretty outfit, then came home, watched Glee and thought about doing my physics homework but failed to actually complete it. Yet. Oh man, I also have math. Good thing it's only Saturday. (Scratch that, my mom just came into my room and glared at me after I told her I have not being doing homework. Sometimes, I think lying would be so much easier.)

Okay, I think that first photo needs an explanation now. Well, Thursday of spirit week was Noah's Ark Day or twin animal day. My friend Kaitlin and I decided to go as rainbow barfing pandas. It made sense to us. My make-up came out scarier than I thought it would, but I thought our outfits were awesome and creative. As you can imagine, we got mixed comments. One girl in my Spanish class asked if I was a lesbian panda and others certainly said or at least thought "wtf?" For all that face paint I had to wash off, I think it was worth it.

I've decided with the cooler weather that I want tights, berets and nail polish in my life. If Puja was reading this she'd say I sound like a such a girl and I wonder if that's a bad thing. So what if I want to have a fashion sense and say guys are cute and other girl-esque things? Saying that reminds me that I hardly ever talk about crushes or guys on here anymore, and in retrospect the main reasons I got an AOL blog in the first place was to have somewhere to write such things. I guess times are changing or I've just succumbed to writing ambiguous posts on tumblr that really only serve to prove I have no love life. Yeah, moving on.

The first quarter at school is already over and I got two B's on my report card. I feel like I could do better, though I know colleges only care about your semester grades. Still, lowered self esteem sucks.

Anyway, I wish I had more exciting things to fill you guys in on and I wasn't such a downer! Take care, everyone.

October 15, 2010

Sweetawesome 16.

My 16th birthday was on 10.10.10.
What an honor.
My birthday and its related festivities this past weekend served to remind me that my life is meaningful and that I have friends who love and care about me dearly.
I didn't do much on my actual birthday besides relax and respond to birthday wishes on Facebook, which was perfectly fine with me.
No stress (albeit temporary) is good, y'know?
Saturday, though, I saw The Social Network with good friends and then shopped with my mom.
Life is great.
I swear, outlook is everything.

October 08, 2010

Okay, no pretenses here.

Junior year is a living nightmare. Every morning I wake up at 7:00 am and by about 3rd period my brain is dead. Just as a taste for one of the projects I've had to complete: for our AICE Biology class, my friends and I spent almost all of last Saturday assembling the molecular structure of a protein chain out of styrofoam balls (that we hand painted) and pipe cleaners. We got an A for our effort, thank goodness, but then not as much time was left for completing work from any of the other six classes. Yes, I am severely envious of the kids I babysit. No homework on Fridays. That was the life.

As if the workload itself wasn't enough, I am now doing math tutoring, Science Bowl coaching, book club, Academic Team, Model Student Senate and possibly chess club if people choose to start it up again even though the leader, my brother, graduated. This leaves only Monday and Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons open. Friday evenings are likely to be spent babysitting and possibly Saturday night as well. I have no time to blog as much as I'd like. This weekend I plan to relax.

Despite saying I'd attend this year's homecoming a year ago, I decided it was not worth the $25. I'd rather put that money into my Scotland trip fund or my DSLR camera fund.

This is my zentangle! Everyone in my art class did a section. (As always, you can click to enlarge.)
I'm off to go have a sweetawesome weekend, starting with going to go see The Social Network with Puja, Patricia and Joy in minutes. Oh, and did I mention tomorrow is my sweet 16?